You may already know that I have joined Odessa and met my girl friend/lover Lady Faith. Lady Faith is now training me to be a better whore.
Odessa is a member only site where members are highly encouraged to contribute to the site in postings and commenting and other forms of activities. If one does not participate they will kick you off.
If you have the time and interest, please send me email at Be sure to tell me how you'd plan to contribute to the site and I will forward your email to get you an invitation to join Odessa.
Odessa is a lot of fun if you like naked girls and sex. But it is not a match making site.
I will from time to time post some of the fun posts here fyi.
The following are some of the training video I have to watch as my whore training process. I then must do what the video does.
These girls are not me, but please imagine it is you doing to me!
-Whore Amy
Well done my little whore i love you and the fact that your making your training by me so public, I could not ask for a better whore trainee. Your the best.